
Table of Contents (Online Help)


De-activate Asset

Loan Performer has the option of de-activating an asset when it's no longer in use or existence. If an asset is deactivated it will no longer be depreciated at the period end but will still appear in the Assets Register report.

How to deactivate an asset

To deactivate an asset you go toAccounts->Assets->Assets Register->Select Item Accountand a screen will be displayed as follows:

Click to select the item that you want to deactivate, e.g., "Water Heater" and then click on the De-activate Asset tab. A screen will be displayed as follows:


Click Yes to continue. The Assets Record screen will appear with an extension:

Click the Save button to complete the asset deactivation.

Note that the postings to the General Ledgers will only be possible if a print out of the Voucher for the Depreciation and Disposal of Asset is printed. You will be prompted to do this after you click the Save button.

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